Free Printable PDF Mental Arithmetic Worksheets for Children aged 4-11

2-Digit Partioning Worksheets

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The ability to partition numbers (explode them into units, tens, hundreds etc) is essential and is typically introduced in Years 2/3 with the concept of place value. An understanding of number partitioning is vital for all subsequently taught methods of calculation.

The simplest numbers to partition are 2-digit numbers which children need to understand are made up of a tens component and a units (ones) component. These 2-digit number partitioning worksheets are designed to give children partitioning practice.

Example: 65 = _60_ + _5_

2-Digit Partioning Worksheet - Free printable PDF maths worksheets from Mental Arithmetic 2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 1
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 2
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 3
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 4
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 5
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 6
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 7
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 8
2-Digit Partioning Worksheet 9

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