Free Printable PDF Mental Arithmetic Worksheets for Children aged 4-11

Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheets

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In these worksheets the child must mark whether the first three or four digit value is less than or greater than the second three or four digit value using the less than < and greater than > symbols.

e.g. 342   <   324 and 5619   >   5691

In each question the values both have the same number of digits, and the same digits are used in both values but rearranged to make the answer take a bit more consideration.

For less than or greater than questions with two-digit values try our simpler Less Than or Greater Than worksheets.

Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet - Free printable PDF maths worksheets from Mental Arithmetic Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 1
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 2
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 3
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 4
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 5
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 6
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 7
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 8
Less Than or Greater Than - H and Th Worksheet 9

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